Wednesday, September 25, 2024

“I feel a sense of normalcy and peace that I had forgotten was possible” Peace Circles in Baringo County, Kenya.

From 7 - 9 July, 2024, Silangwa Village, Baringo County in Kenya was the setting for a Creators of Peace Circle. This gathering brought together seventeen women from the same community, representing a wide spectrum of experiences and backgrounds. Young mothers, elderly women, widows, and differently-abled individual participated in the event.

The first day revealed the heavy burdens they carried. Faces were etched with worry and depression, a stark reflection of the violence and loss that had become all too familiar. Introductions unveiled stories of despair, particularly from the widows who had lost hope amid ongoing violence. Despite their initial sadness, a glimmer of hope remained as they anticipated the healing process the peace circle promised.

The atmosphere began to change after the first day of training. Interviews with the participants revealed a shift in their emotions. Many expressed newfound love and joy, eagerly looking forward to the second day.

One elderly widowed mother expressed herself with a poignant mix of fear and hope. "When I was called to attend this training, I was terrified," she said. "It reminded me of my sons who were killed, and I feared the pain would be too much to bear. But now, I feel a spark of hope. I’ve lived alone, often going without food due to my old age and having no one to help me. I sell firewood to survive, but it’s not enough. After the first day here, I felt a sense of community and love that I haven't felt in a long time."

A young mother spoke of her struggle with bitterness and anger towards those who had caused her so much pain. "This peace circle has been a place where I can finally start to let go of that anger. I am beginning to see a future where I am not defined by my grief, but by the strength I have gained from overcoming it."

As the days progressed, the women became more engaged and enthusiastic. The sessions were filled with songs of joy, relief, and hope, reflecting the positive impact of the peace circle. The participants expressed profound gratitude to the Creators of Peace fraternity for the changes in their lives and wished for such training sessions to be held monthly, emphasizing the therapeutic value of the experience.

A young widow shared a particularly touching moment. "For the first time in years, I slept through the night without waking up in tears or fear. I woke up to the sound of the morning cock, and it felt like a miracle. This peace circle has given me a sense of normalcy and peace that I had forgotten was possible."

A significant outcome of the peace circle was the formation of a support group among the participants. They committed to meeting weekly to support each other emotionally and engage in practical activities such as rearing chickens and planting vegetables to improve their well-being and food security.

One participant voiced their collective sentiment: "We decided to form a support group where we can continue to support each other. We plan to rear chickens and plant vegetables together. This will not only help us sustain ourselves but also strengthen the bonds we’ve created here."

The Peace Circle provided a transformative experience for the participants. It highlighted the power of community support, shared experiences, and practical steps towards healing and empowerment. The personalized sentiments reflect the deep emotional and psychological healing that the women experienced during the peace circle.


The Peace Circles were facilitated by Annastacia Munene, Mary Kuket and Gloria J. Rutto.

CoP Kenya is very grateful to IPT, SZF, IofC Kenya and Shoshana, who have made the Peace Circles Possible.