
Monday, 23 March, 2020

Leratong which means a 'place of love' in the Sesotho language is the opposite of what inhabitants in this community would say about the state of their area. Leratong village started as an informal settlement in the 1990's where people of black and coloured races from all over South Africa settled. Today it is a community of over 100,000 people.  There are challenges with water, sanitation, single-parent homes, crime, substance abusers, lack of identity and a lot of inhumane neglect.  It is not uncommon for someone to pick up a deserted newborn or neglected child within the community.

Monday, 23 March, 2020

Report of the first quater of the trustbuilifng project in Kenya

Monday, 23 March, 2020

We regret to announce the postponement of the Pan Africa Conference on Governance, Ghana

Monday, 20 January, 2020

Decades later, Africa still has too many examples of countries and their people damaged by poor or corrupt governance. A crisis that must be tackled if Africa is to reach its potential so often written or spoken about.Good governance has been signaled as the cornerstone of sustainable development by the Africa Union in its forward-looking roadmap, “The Africa we Want – 2063”, but, this was also emphasized more than 20 years ago by former Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Anan. “Good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development,” he concluded.  And 10 years before that, the World Bank raised a red flag about the lack of good governance when it noted: “A crisis of governance underlies the litany of Africa’s development problems”.  

Tuesday, 05 November, 2019

Seventeen ladies from different academic courses from the Young Woman Christian Association participated in the Creators of Peace Circle. Participants were very expectant, eager to learn and found the methodology of training, especially the introductions with the string, very exciting. The training was participatory and participants actively engaged in group discussions, sharing ideas and experiences. With outcome of committed woman advocating change in their community

Friday, 06 September, 2019

Creator of Peace team visited Ennerdale spend time with the Gracefully Broken group from the Hidden With Christ Restoration Center. The restoration center is a drug rehabilitation center with a vision to rebuild a person’s brokenness and give hope again of a life God intended. The Center was founded by Mr and Mrs Morvine Beste, who daily care and pass on many life values, including a remaining process where the group calls themselves the ‘gracefully broken’. This concept is based on the situation they are in - a journey to overcome.

Saturday, 27 July, 2019

Meaning and Impact of Relationships, Change in Progress mini camp that took place at the Don Bosco Centre for a group of 29 Youth. t’s said that the youth is the hope of our future and this sums up the ideology behind Change in Progress programme. The programmes vision is to develop self-awareness and mentor youth in their transitional phases such as from teen to young adult, from a schooler to a student, ect. This leads to development of soft skills like as self-esteem, morals, introspection, positive attitude, problem solving and Time management relates skills among others. The programmes mission is to have camps, retreats, community outreaches and dialogues.

Friday, 26 July, 2019

The Creators of Peace team invited to Johannesburg Inner city to deliver inner healing and

Saturday, 27 July, 2019

Creators of Peace and the City of Johannesburg Graduation Ceremony its a Collaboration that hosted the graduation ceremony for 300 participants who went through the Social intervention programme to upgrade the disadvantage communities. This is the 5th group of graduates of this programme. Many modules are explored during this programme, e.g. Emotional Intelligence, Rights and Responsibilities, Occupational Skills, Spiritual well-being, Health, to name a few.  Creators of Peace and Initiatives of Change (IofC) were approached by this department within the City of Johannesburg, to help with the module of ‘Inner Healing’.   This is the second year that the Creators of Peace Circles team have been part of this intervention programme.

Saturday, 27 July, 2019

The Art Dialogue aimed to help the participants deepen their understanding of freedom and give the concept a new meaning in their lives. Secondly, have people spend their day appreciating artwork from their fellow community members who are unknown or unrecognized to hear their stories behind their art and that helped them free themselves while gaining a new perspective on life.  It was also an opportunity to share thoughts through fun activities and engage in a conversation about their freedom in South Africa.
