Monday, June 16, 2014

Hasira ni Hasara....peace is the way!

Sketch art on forgiveness by one of the participant ‘I feel this peace circles was meant for me. I wrote a letter of forgiveness to my husband and I presented it to him. He could not believe that I had actually forgiven him and he has changed a lot since then,’ said Esther a month after she had attended a Creators of Peace Circles (CoPC) for 19 participants (three being men) from 9-11 April, 2014 in Kabazi area.  Esther concluded by saying, ‘My family has now been totally transformed and become peaceful and happy. I am so grateful for the workshop.’  CoP has continued to reach out to people in different wards of Nakuru County in Kenya.

During and after the three days process, people’s lives were made different. People who were not talking to each other opened up their hearts and started talking. Many of the participants became peace crusaders in their homes and villages! Wilfred was very grateful for having resisted the urge to turn down the invitation to take part in the workshop. ‘I never thought I would get such powerful teachings. I have gained a lot and I am so grateful that I am here.’ Later he shared that he had indeed been challenged to change his ways and character that were not constructive; ‘my life has become better,’ he said.

Kerubo was a happy participant after attending the Peace Circles. ‘I have bad anger. I have learnt how to deal with my anger now. I will not let it control my life,’ she shared.  Later when we called her to check on how she was doing, she had this to say; ‘I am now a different person. Hasira ni hasara (anger is loss), anger is destructive and never constructive. I am now living peacefully with my family and neighbours. I am so grateful for the training’, she added.

For Sarah, what got into her heart is the importance of listening without interruption. ‘I never used to listen to anyone, but now I will be listening to people and not interrupt,’ she said. And for Mueni the Peace Circles and particularly the story-sharing part gave her an opportunity to let go of burdens she has been carrying in her heart for years. ‘I feel more energized. I will go and share with my friends about the power of story sharing. I have never shared my story with anyone and I have continued hurting for a long time. I am now a free person.’ 

Many participants appreciated the moments of silence and reflection and Harun, a male participant was no different. He said, ‘The most inspiring topic for me was reflection and listening to others. I never regarded it as important but seeing it being practiced has changed my thoughts. I have learnt that reflection can give direction to one’s life.’


The peace circles was facilitated by Annie Gitu & Rose Njeri.

The Peace Circles was supported by Friends of Africa fund. We are very grateful to FoA fund for the support that has helped us reach women and men who are ready to be in the forefront to bring peace in our country.