Creators of Peace, South Africa
The last two months, Creators of Peace (CoP) activated an additional follow up programme for participants who have been through a Peace Circle.
The follow up content is structured by information gathered at the end of each Peace Circle, when participants are asked if they would like more time on particular topics or Peace Circles modules. So far the interest for follow up topics has been in the area of 'forgiveness', 'anger management' and 'stress management'. This has resulted in CoP inviting different speakers to give a more in depth presentation on these topics.
The follow up morning involves spending time together with participants, hearing feedback on how they have implemented decisions and convictions, or what they still found challenging after the Peace Circle. The main speaker gives his or her presentation then allocate time for sharing after which lunch is served. CoP has held five such mornings around Johannesburg and Ventersdorp. The responses from participants are very encouraging.
A few of the comments: One person shared how she discovered that you don't 'manage anger', the important part is letting it go and not allowing flash emotions to decide future decisions.
Another lady came away having learnt to forgive; to identify the issue in times of conflict, look at the problem starting with myself before approaching the other person.
Some participants have accepted to be trained as facilitators so they can continue to take Peace Circles into their communities.
Report by: Jackie Euvrard and Portia Mosia