Creators of Peace Circles in the field of rehabilitation took place in Florida, Johannesburg, South Africa
‘Before I met Creators of Peace (CoP) Circles, I was a stubborn young man who found it hard to forgive and let go of past experiences. Ever since I started the workshop I have opened up in more ways than I expected. The modules and process I went through has really helped me. I have learned the importance of forgiveness and how important it is to forgive in order for self growth. I have found my inner peace and a new approach to life,’ told Thylo, one of the CoP Circle participants.
Nehemiah Restoration Home in Florida, Johannesburg, is a centre providing care and services such as medical detoxification, residential, outpatient and sober living programmes for individuals suffering from chemical dependency
The call to CoP was to facilitate a Peace Circle (PC) for 15 men, between the ages of 17 and 44 years from 6th - 8th June. They came from different Coloured (mixed race) communities in and around Soweto. The hope was that the PC could support their recovery and healing journey also equip them with methods and tools to grow spiritually and to walk the talk.
“Our presence was welcomed with much anticipation. It was heart warming to see the transformation from tension to coalition in these men - from not wanting to work together to communicating and planning together. Little did I know that when we started having honest conversations with them we would bring to life the responsible person who died in the midst of pain and hurt that led them to using drugs,” shared one of the facilitators Cleo Mohlaodi.
“It was such an inspiration for me to facilitate a Peace Circle of men only. It made me realise that when it comes to what builds and destroys peace, it affects everyone. As we engaged in one of the exercises, anger came out as one of the things that destroys peace and communication. I was moved as these men shed tears and they spoke about their role in destroying peace in those they love. Listening to their stories gave me hope that if men can heal, they can have a huge role in restoring the essence of family,” said Portia Mosia, a co-facilitator. “For both of us, Cleo and Portia, this was a reconfirmation that Creators of Peace Circles are relevant for both men and women, young and old, in rehabilitation homes, community, schools, workplace and governing bodies.
Charl, a participant, shared, “The Peace Circle really made me look into my inner self - reflecting on and letting go of my past. Before the Peace Circle I kept most of my personal business to myself and it caused me a lot of pain and confusion. I learned here to be open and honest with myself and with others. I will be applying these concepts when I return to my community.”
During the 'Peace in Practice' module, the group came up with plans to continue supporting each other and forming strategies to help Nehemiah Home impact life around them. A request was made for more Peace Circles to be held at the centre.
We thank Initiatives of Change South Africa, Nehemiah Restorative Home and Edmee Botteron for their support and encouragement.
by Portia Mosia & Cleopadia Mohlaodi, co-facilitators