The second NE dialogue The Future We Want took place November 11th to the 14th of 2016 in the Siloam region near Shillong, Meghalaya. The dialogue brought together participants from Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur, Maharashtra, and Kerala. They all collaborated, discussed, and proposed ways in which they could strive for a brighter tomorrow.
Senior Initiatives of Change representative Julie Tan of Malaysia held a workshop Learning to Love Yourself wherein participants were encouraged to reflect on their past and how it influences their actions today. The workshop included letter-writing activities and one-on-one sessions. Many of the participants expressed their feelings of relief and satisfaction after the completion of the session.
Christine Iralu of Sechu Zubza, Nagaland addressed the tumultuous times we live in and the crucial role that dialogue plays in responding to the problems of the world together. She emphasized that there is always something that can be done no matter how bleak the situation seems.
Barkos Warjri of Meghalaya touched upon honesty and responsibility. He states, “What am I going to give is something we don’t think about. What am I going to get is what consumes us.” Warjri also discussed the importance of family values as they are the foundation of a strong society.
Sunil Kaul and Jenny Liang brought to the discourse their work with ANT (Action North East Trust). They reiterated that the future belongs to those who actively work for it today. Sunil stresses the importance of speaking the truth and adds that one does not necessarily have to shout when conveying the truth. Kaul and Liang also broached the subject of fear and courage. They encourage, “Fear is the unknown. The faster we can know the unknown, the faster fear will disappear.” They concluded, “Doing the right thing is courage. Doing it every time it is needed is ultimate courage.”
The NE Dialogue brought young people together and sparked conversations that will lead to tangible actions toward a better tomorrow. The next dialogue is scheduled for June of 2017.