Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Creators of Peace Circles in Chemolingot, Tiaty, Baringo. Kenya

On  23rd November 2015, the Creators of Peace team travelled to Chemolingot for a three-day Peace Circles training for 24 women.  Transport was a major challenge. Chemolingot is one of the seven wards found in Tiaty constituency neighboring North Baringo. Chemolingot is the Headquarters of East Pokot Sub County and is primarily inhabited by the Pokots.

The participants were drawn from eight neighboring villages and some of the concerns raised included  female genital mutilation which is one of the biggest challenges, early marriages, early school dropouts, alcoholism, insecurity, unpaid care work (the work load of women) and gender based violence.

The story sharing session was very insightful to many of the participants. Some of them had never shared their personal lives so it was difficult for them to volunteer to share their stories. “I have come to understand that life comes in phases and every phase has got its story. When you get enough time to reflect then you come to the right conclusion. Reflection has helped me to calm myself from pain, it was a perfect moment for me; I just could not understand the magic in it”.

Mary Kuket, the courageous woman who led a group of Pokot women to make an apology to the Tugens and Illchamus on 27th May, 2015, facilitated the gathering on the theme 'Qualities of a Peace Creator.' Later they watched the DVD ‘For the Sake of Peace’ which captures the Pokot apology and the reconciliation that took place. Examples of comments following the viewing of the documentary are: “The Pokot women took the blame and asked for forgiveness for the sake of their entire community which was very significant;” “The power of forgiveness takes place when we humble ourselves;” “Women are tools that can be used negatively or positively. We thank God for the Pokot women who were part of the first training of Creators of Peace and furthermore they went and reconciled with the others (Tugen and Illchamus) communities and that is why we are all here to be trained on how to be creators of peace.”

As the training was coming to a close, there were many stories of change of attitude and transformation. “I have learnt that humility is very important and that I should work on it because it is very important. Great things will come our way if we humble,” said one. Another followed, “I thought I was the only one living in pain. Today after story sharing I realized that I am one among many women going through the same thing.” Another added, “A forgiving heart relieves you. That is what I am taking home.” and finally, “Women are the cornerstone of a family. They go through many challenges but they know how to bring the pieces together when things fall apart. They are all heroes.”

To grace the closing ceremony the Assistant County Commissioner, Mr. Jackton Orieny said that “a forgiving heart is what women should embrace. They should also be patient and not act in haste. We should encourage women to share peace and live peacefully. May you be the peace makers from now on. Be role models and watchmen and the land of East Pokot will be healed.” 

The CoP team in Kenya appreciates the financial support from the CoP Sydney team that enabled this training in Baringo to take place. 

Facilitators and Report: Rose Njeri and Mediatrix Masava