Monday, June 8, 2015

Creators of Peace Circle - Eldorado

‘If you break an egg inside you gain a life and if you break an egg outside you lose a life’, this is how Vanessa, one of the 10 participants shared this quote to elaborate how Creators of Peace Circles made her feel. She felt that she was being broken inside in order to be renewed.

Creators of Peace Circle took place from the 21 -23 April at Sunshine centre- Eldorado, Johannesburg.  The women were parents of children with special needs and volunteers who help at the Centre.  Their ages ranged between late twenties to late sixties.

Peace Circle took place in an Afrikaans dominated area but the group of women were as diverse as the adopted name of South Africa, ‘the rainbow nation,' hailing from all parts of Soweto. These women are greatly challenged by unemployment, past wounds, community and family conflicts, crime, and lack of motivation to live life to the fullest or pursue their purpose in life.

After three days the women voiced their gratitude.The programme made them aware of their mistakes as parents, one of the mistakes expressed is how in the midst of their pain, they held back in showing unconditional love for their children.  For some it helped them realise they still have anger, resentment and hate that they haven’t dealt with because they hide behind solving other people’s problems and neglect their own. Others voiced the importance of imparting inner peace, reflection, appreciation, forgiveness and communication as a great legacy to their children and family.

Practical steps these women felt to take on a personal level included, applying time management, practising listening more than speaking, working harder on sending out CVs for work opportunities, practising using the tool or skill of reflection and seeking professional help, such as counselling. On a family level, some women decided to start by being the change they want to see in their family, starting by opening closed channels of communication with those they don't talk to and spending more time with their children and family. They also felt to practise sharing how they truly feel and not saying what they think people want them to say or do.

Sunshine Centre has requested that we conduct another Creators of Peace Circle in one of their centers situated in Elsburg for the staff. There will be a follow up workshop in June to further explore some of the points raised during the Circle.

This Circle was co-facilitated by Portia Mosia, Denise Msimango and Cleo Mohlaodi

For more info do contact Portia Mosia or  Cleo Mohlaodi.

Report and photos by Portia Mosia and Cleo Mohlaodi