Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Here lives hope in the Nigeria of Boko Haram

Two Swedish newspapers, Expressen and Dagen, have reported on the work of the Imam and the Pastor in Kaduna this week. Expressen is one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden, Dagen is a Christian paper. The title of the Expressen article is 'Här lever hoppet i Boko Harams Nigeria' which means 'Here lives hope in the Nigeria of Boko Haram'.

Pastor James Movel Wuye (left) and Imam Muhammed Nurayn Ashafa from Nigeria (Photo: Joanna Margueritte)Torbjörn Selander, writing from Kaduna, describes how on one side of the street are burned down mosques, on the other side are destroyed churches. But there is hope after all - two former foesare now working together. 'Without dialogue we can not get peace', says Pastor James Movel Wuye, a view backed by his friend, Imam Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa. He refers to their work with the Muslim-Christian Interfaith Mediation Centre in their city, leading task-forces to resolve conflicts across Nigeria.

Read the article online here 

Read more about the work of the Imam and the Pastor