The Man Who Built Peace – The Frank Buchman Story

The Man Who Built Peace captures the life and peace-making legacy of a man you may never have heard of – and who changed the world. Following a personal experience of transformation, Frank Buchman set out to pass on that experience to the world and helped shape the course of history. He was a revolutionary thinker and leader whose trust-building, reconciliation and peace efforts greatly influenced the 20th century. His vision and legacy are a powerful answer to the growing mistrust, injustice and extremism facing the world today. Watch Frank Buchman help to build peace between the enemies of World War II and discover how to apply this in your own life and community in today’s politically fractious climate.

The film has won several awards: 

- Around Film Festival (ARFF International)  - Winner Best Short Documentary

- MindField Film Festival Los Angeles - Winner – Best Documentary

- European Cinematography awards -Winner  - Best Director

- Impact DOCS Awards - Winner – Award of Merit Special Mention

60 minutes

Price: £15 personal use, available from the IofC shop