Friday, April 1, 2011

Beyond ViolenceThis is an autobiography of an extraordinary African. Agnes Leakey Hofmeyr was the daughter of Gray Leakey, a Kenyan farmer who was buried alive on Mount Kenya as a human sacrifice to the gods of the Mau Mau. As a child, she had a fascinating life among the wild animals of Kenya. But the Mau Mau revolution led to a double tragedy in her young life. The book describes the author’s inner battle to come to terms with the disasters that struck her family and the extraordinary events that led her and the man who had planned her father’s cruel death to work together in the search for a new kind of world. Agnes Hofmeyr lived most of her life in South Africa but travelled widely to bring her story of reconciliation and healing to many nations.

Please email here if you wish to find out details of purchasing this book.