
Monday, 03 August, 2015

‘Wow! Not many organizations come back to see how we are faring after they train us.’ These were the words of Assistant Chief of Gichaka location in Nyandarua county who took part in a CoP follow-up meeting that brought together 13 participants on 8 July, 2015.

Wednesday, 29 July, 2015
Sir Mike Aaronson (left) moderates Questions and Answers with Dr Alan Channer (right) after the film screenings.

The psychological effects of drone strikes in Pakistan; local attitudes to the United Nations intervention in southern Lebanon, and the social media campaign 'Bring Back our Girls' in Nigeria, were among subjects explored at a conference entitled 'Narratives of Intervention: Reflections from North and South', which took place at the Centre for International Intervention, University of Surrey, from 22-23 July. The films An African Answer, Two Years Later and In Search of Peace in Chad, made by IofC's For the Love of Tomorrow Films, were screened to all the participants at the conference.

Thursday, 16 July, 2015
Introduction of Iofc principles, to a South Sudanese community living in Kenya

Effective Living workshop part 2 took place in Juja on 16 June 2015 as a continuation of the first workshop that collectively brought together 35 young South Sudanese living in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties in Kenya.

Wednesday, 08 July, 2015

Thirty-four leaders from Baringo county honoured the invitation to take part in a consultative meeting organized by the Creators of Peace team in Kenya on 22 June. The meeting was a success. And Creators of Peace was given the blessing to engage the communities in a bid to search for peace in Baringo.

Thursday, 25 June, 2015

‘The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart, and the most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace,’ said one of the 16 women who attended the “what creates or destroys peace” session. It proved to be a major turning point for her during the Creators of Peace Circles in Kitale- Trans-Zoia County-Kenya on 12-14 May.

Thursday, 25 June, 2015

The Creators of Peace (CoP) Kenya team had another opportunity to meet and interact with 14 women that had gone through the intensive three days CoP training in Kisumu County in 2014. The interaction was during a follow- up session that took place on the 13 June, at the Shauri Moyo Baptist Church in Kisumu.

Thursday, 25 June, 2015

‘Creators of Peace Circles revived my dead energy’ said Pamela Ndalo who was among the 15 participants who took part in the first follow-up meeting in Huruma estate, Nairobi in May. Of the 15 participants invited from various CoP trainings that were done between 2013 to 2015, four of them were men who through their sharing, proved that CoP can work for men too.

Friday, 19 June, 2015
Baringo reconciliation

Please pray for us and with us. Following the reconciliation meeting that happened in Baringo County on 27 May 2015, where the women from Pokot community apologized to the women of the other communities in Baringo County, the Creators of Peace Kenya team will be having a consultative meeting with community leaders from the different communities on Monday 22 June, 2015.

Monday, 08 June, 2015

In 2007, Creators of Peace Circles was launched in Kenya, this report highlights the first ever formal follow up meeting by women who have undergone the Circle

Monday, 08 June, 2015

Report of the CoP circle attended by mothers of special needs children as well as the school volunteers,yearning to understand Peace and to live peacefully.
